
3. Maatschappij

3.1. Hoofdstukken in boeken

Brinkman, I. (2009). Landscape and nostalgia. Angolan refugees in Namibia remembering home and forced removals. In M. Bollig & O. Bubenzer (Eds.), African Landscapes. Interdisciplinary Approaches (pp. 275-296), Heidelberg: Springer.

Stalpaert, C. (2016). Re-enacting Modernist Time: William Kentridge’s The
Refusal of Time. In M. Franko (Ed.), On Danced Re-Enactment, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Verdoolaege, A. (2013). Torture, Betrayal, Forgiveness; Red Dust and the search for truth in post-apartheid South Africa. In N. Eltringham (Ed.), Framing Africa: portrayals of a continent in contemporary mainstream cinema (pp. 135-155), Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Verdoolaege, A. (2012). Representing Apartheid Trauma: the Archive of the TRC Victim Hearings. In S. Gibson (Ed.), Rethinking Political Violence (pp. 285-305), Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

Verdoolaege, A. (2012). Public Reconciliation at the South African TRC: the Impact of the Victim Hearings. In B. Van Stokkom e.a. (Eds.), Public Forgiveness in Post-Conflict Contexts (pp. 203-225), Mortsel: Intersentia Publishing.


3.2. Artikelen

Brinkman, I. (1999). Violence, Exile and Ethnicity: Nyemba Refugees in Kaisosi and Kehemu (Rundu, Namibia). Journal of Southern African Studies, 25(3), 417-439.

De Smet, S., Breyne, M., & Stalpaert, C. (2015). When the Past Strikes the Present: Performing Requiems of the Marikana Massacre. South African Theatre Journal, 28(3), 1-20.

Verdoolaege, A. (2011). Het herstelrechtelijke karakter van het collectief slachtofferschap in Zuid-Afrika. Orde van de Dag. Criminaliteit en Samenleving – thema ‘Class actions: tegengewicht voor klassenjustitie, 54, 39-47.

Verdoolaege, A. (2009). The audience as actor: the participation status of the audience at the victim hearings of the South African TRC. Discourse Studies, 11(4), 441-463.

Verdoolaege, A., & Kerstens, P. (2004).  The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Belgian Lumumba Commission, a comparison. Africa Today, 50(3), 75-92.

Verdoolaege, A. (2003). De Lumumba Commissie en de Zuid-Afrikaanse Waarheids- en Verzoeningscommissie: een vergelijking. Samenleving en Politiek, 10(1), 32-40.


3.3. Reviews

Verdoolaege, A. (2010). Review of Performing South Africa’s Truth Commission. Stages of Transition, by Catherine M. Cole, Afrika Focus, 23(2), 93-97.

Verdoolaege, A. (2008). Review of Traditional Justice and Reconciliation after Violent Conflict. Learning from African Experience, by Luc Huyse & Mark Salter, Afrika Focus, 21(2), 129-132.

Verdoolaege, A. (2006). Review of The Theatre of Violence: Narratives of Protagonists in the South African Conflict, edited by Don Foster e.a., Africa, 76(4), 613-615.

Verdoolaege, A. (2005). Review of Overcoming Apartheid. Can Truth Reconcile a Divided Nation?, by James L. Gibson, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 43(3), 499-501.

Verdoolaege, A. (2005). Review of Overcoming Apartheid. Can Truth Reconcile a Divided Nation?, by James L. Gibson, African Affairs, 104(414), 158-160.

Verdoolaege, A. (2004). Review of Refiguring the Archive, edited by Carolyn Hamilton e.a., Africa, 74(2), 302-304.

Verdoolaege, A. (2004). Review of Transnationalism and New African Immigration to South Africa, edited by Jonathan Crush and David A. McDonald, Africa, 74(2), 304-306.

Verdoolaege, A. (2004). Review of The Provocations of Amnesty: Memory, Justice and Impunity, edited by Charles Villa-Vicencio & Erik Doxtader, The Canadian Journal of African Studies, 38(1), 221-224.

Verdoolaege, A. (2004). Review of Refiguring the Archive, edited by Carolyn Hamilton e.a., The Journal of Modern African Studies, 42(1), 156-157.

Verdoolaege, A. (2003). Review of Crime and Policing in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Transforming under Fire, by Mark Shaw, Africa, 73(4), 637-639.

Verdoolaege, A. (2003). Review of Truth and Reconciliation. The Confessional Mode in South African Literature, by Suzan VanZanten Gallagher, African Studies Review, 46(2), 162-164.

Verdoolaege, A. (2003). Review of Governance, Politics, and Policy in South Africa, by Dewalt van Niekerk, Gerrit Vander Waldt & Alan Jonker, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 41(3), 503-505.

Verdoolaege, A. (2003). Review of Commissioning the Past. Understanding South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, edited by Deborah Posel & Graeme Simpson, and Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa: Miracle or Model?, by Lyn S. Graybill, African Studies Review, 46(2), 173-176.

Verdoolaege, A. (2003). Review of From Anti-Apartheid to African Renaissance. Interviews with South African writers and Critics on Cultural Politics Beyond the Cultural Struggle, by Ulrike Ernst, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 41(2), 325-326.

Verdoolaege, A. (2003). Review of Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa: Miracle or Model?, by Lyn S. Graybill, African Studies Quarterly, 7(1).

Verdoolaege, A. (2003). Review of The Fall of Apartheid: The Inside Story from Smuts to Mbeki, by Robert Harvey, H-SAfrica, March 2003.

Verdoolaege, A. (2003). Review of Bearing Witness: Women and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa, by Fiona C. Ross. African Affairs, 102(409), 677-679.


3.4. Lezingen

Verdoolaege, A. (2010). The humanities and university development cooperation: challenges and constraints. Paper presented at the conference ‘Collaborate to Innovate’, ’, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, 8-10/11/2010.

Verdoolaege, A. (2010). Reconciliation discourse in post-apartheid South Africa. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Multicultural Discourses, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 27-29/08/2010.

Verdoolaege, A. (2010). Public reconciliation at the South African TRC: the impact of the victim hearings. Paper presented at the expert seminar Public Forgiveness in Post-Conflict Contexts, Radbout University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 5-6/03/2010 [by invitation].

Verdoolaege, A. (2009). Translating apartheid trauma: the role of the interpreters and the media at the victim hearings of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Paper presented at the 3rd IATIS conference Mediation and Conflict: Translation and Culture in a Global Context, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 7-10/07/2009.

Verdoolaege, A. (2009). Representing apartheid trauma: the victim hearings of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Keynote speech presented at the conference Repertoires of Violence, St-John University, York, United Kingdom, 1-2/07/2009 [by invitation].

Verdoolaege, A. (2007). The interpretation of reconciliation before the TRC as part of the inclusive nature of the Commission. Paper presented at the MIDP-colloquium Multilingualism and Exclusion, University of Antwerp, Belgium, 26-28/11/2007 [by invitation].

Verdoolaege, A. (2005). Reconciliation at the TRC. A political agenda?. Paper presented at the conference Ten Years of Democracy in Southern Africa, University of South Africa, Pretoria, 23-25/08/2005.

Verdoolaege, A. (2004). The TRC and the Archive. Discursive Layering in the Testimonies of Apartheid Victims. Poster presented at the Doctoral symposium of the Faculty of Arts, Ghent University, Belgium, 8/12/2004.

Verdoolaege, A. (2004). ‘Would you be prepared to reconcile, please?’, the reconciliation-oriented construction of an apartheid memory at the victim hearings of the TRC. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the African Studies Association and the Canadian Association of African Studies, New Orleans, USA, 11-14/11/ 2004.

Verdoolaege, A. (2004). The TRC as a Site of Discursive Identity Construction. Paper presented at the IATIS conference Translation and the Construction of Identity, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, Korea, 12-14/08/2004.

Verdoolaege, A. (2004). Questions on the recontextualisation of historically significant discursive codes at the hearings of the TRC. Paper presented at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 15, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 1-4/04/2004.

Verdoolage, A. (2003). Reconciliation discourse at the TRC. Paper presented at the training workshop “Senses of right and wrong: judicial settlements, truth commissions, international tribunals, and the politics of popular justice in the aftermath of collective violence”, The Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-16/12/2003.

Verdoolaege, A. (2003). Ideological layering. Subscribing to and reacting against TRC discourse in testifying before the HRV Committee. Paper presented at the symposium “Troubled histories and identities in discourse – the case of the South African TRC”, Antwerp University, Belgium, 26-27/11/2003.

Verdoolaege, A. (2003). Would you be prepared to reconcile, please?’, the discursive introduction of reconciliation at the Human Rights Violations hearings of the TRC. Paper presented at the colloquium “TRC and its Context: Histories in Discourse”, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 24/04/2003.

Verdoolaege, A. (2002). De Ontwikkeling van een Raciaal Verzoeningsdiscours bij de Zuid-Afrikaanse Waarheids- en Verzoeningscommissie. Poster presented at the Doctorandisymposium of the Faculty of Arts, Ghent University, Belgium, 16/12/2002.

Verdoolaege, A. (2002). Media representations of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission as an Illustration of Reconciliation Discourse. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the African Studies Association, Washington DC, USA, 5-8/12/2002.

Verdoolaege, A. (2002). Les audiences publiques de la Commission Vérité et Réconciliation: un pont entre des évenements douloureux personnels et un objectif national supérieur. Paper presented at the conference Mémoires de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, RDC, 15-21/08/2002.

Verdoolaege, A. (2002). The Lumumba Commission and the TRC: a comparison. Paper presented at the conference Comparative perspectives on truth, WISER, Johannesburg, 13/08/2002.

Verdoolaege, A. (2002). The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission: an ideal way to deal with a traumatic history of oppression and racism?. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of African Studies, Toronto, 1-4/06/2002.


3.5. Valorisatie

3.5.1. Lezingen

Verdoolaege, A. (2015, 2016). Introduction on South Africa and Afrikaans for exchange students, Odisee Gent, Gent, België, 10/2015, 2016.

Verdoolaege, A. (2016). Afrikaans in post-apartheid South Africa: what about the future?, Gepresenteerd voor de Marnixring Melle, België, 25/01/2016.

Verdoolaege, A. (2014). Pensées Noires: Nelson Mandela, De Centrale Gent, Gent, België, 5/12/2014.

Verdoolaege, A. (2014). Nelson Mandela, Homage to Nelson Mandela, Brussels City Hall, Brussels, Belgium, 21/03/2014.

Verdoolaege, A. (2012). An overview of post-apartheid South Africa, Orde van den Prince, Ostend, Belgium, 23/11/2012.

Verdoolaege, A. (2012). 18 years of post-apartheid South Africa: a balance, Athena, Roeselare, België, 5/09/2012.

Verdoolaege, A. (2010). 16 years of post-apartheid South Africa: a balance, Athena, Ghent, Belgium, 4/05/2010.

Verdoolaege, A. (2009). The unique power of Nelson Mandela, Uitstraling Permanente Vorming vzw, Brussels, Belgium, 8/06/2009.

Verdoolaege, A. (2008). An overview of fourteen years post-apartheid South Africa, Linx+, Sint-Niklaas, België, 9/09/2008.

Verdoolaege, A. (2007). 13 years of post-apartheid South Africa: a positive or negative balance?, Oxfam Wereldwinkel, Kortrijk, België, 30/11/2007.

Verdoolaege, A. (2007). Reconciliation discourse at the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Suggnomè, Brussels, Belgium, 21/09/2007.

Verdoolaege, A. (2007). The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission as a model for conflict resolution, Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences, Brussels, Belgium, 13/02/2007.

Verdoolaege, A. (2006). Conflict resolution in South Africa: background and research methodology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, 16/12/2006.

Verdoolaege, A. (2006). South Africa in Africa: a dominant oppressor or a positive stimulus to continental development?, Actueel Denken en Leven, Leuven, België; 20/03/2006.

Verdoolaege, A. (2005). Transformation of post-apartheid South Africa, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, 17/01/2005.

Verdoolaege, A. (2004). Politics and society in current day South Africa, Hogeschool Leuven, België, 3/09/2004.

Verdoolaege, A. (2004). Transformation of post-apartheid South Africa, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, 19/01/2004.